
Signs Of Progress

As I’ve been playing with wearing pinholes and eyeglasses occasionally again, I can feel myself sliding into a bit of discouragement that my vision isn’t perfect. To counteract this, and also because it’s true, I want to list the good things I’m noticing lately about my vision.

– I am looking farther, and wider, naturally, being much more aware of the periphery without forcing myself to be so.

– I am noticing more of what’s happening around me, like the cicadas flying near me when I take a walk. I believe this means I am more aware, more present more often.

– I am more tolerant of blur. This acceptance allows it to clear up on its own as I continue to look in a relaxed manner. If I fight the blur, resenting it, it often gets blurrier!

– My appreciation of color seems to be deepening. Even the subtle colors are looking richer.

– My few floaters are fainter, smaller, and there don’t seem to be as many of them.

– My neck and shoulders feel more relaxed more often.

– I am rushing less, and getting as much done as I did before, or more.

– I am feeling much less often like I’m behind schedule, or not getting enough done. If I forget something or make a mistake, I forgive myself and move on, spending very little time on criticizing myself for not being perfect. This is a big, very welcome, change for me.

– I am in appreciation and gratitude a lot of the time, even for simple things. Why be grumpy when so much in my life is going right?

If my vision never gets any better than it is now, it’s still wonderful compared to the way it was when I was growing up. I can do most things without glasses comfortably. If I really need to, I can use glasses or pinholes. Life is way more than good!

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